FoldaRap 1.1 changelog

From the first prototype to the latest machines builds, many things have and are still evolving on the FoldaRap. Other projects (like the Mondrian) inspiring each others.


Here is a little changelog of all the decisions that I consider now to be part of the coming 1.1 release of the FoldaRap :

  • less tools needed (mixed M4 and M3 fasteners, now only M3 and round M4 bolt, to use the same 2.5mm hex. key)
  • faster replication (reduced the printed parts thickness from 4mm to 3mm to save material/time)
  • lasercut Y-carriage (was printable but in two piece or on a Mendel, and this new one is better at holding the lm6uu)
  • zip-tie holded bearing (for the x-carriage and especially useful for the y-carriage)
  • simpler to source extruder idler (a critical part with the hotend)
  • Z-drive M6 -> M5 (less different parts and finer Z resolution)
  • easier replication (simplifying the arrow shape that help to assemble the printed parts, the previous needed a perfectly calibrated machine that wasn’t all the time necessary even if better)
  • from printed coupling to vinyl coupling (reducing the number of fasteners and adding some flexibility)
  • back to Nema14 extruder after the PG35L (easier to source, can go faster)
  • better suppliers (e.g.: cheaper and more available springs)
  • thin neopren belt (can be bent over a shorter radius than polyurethan belt that are generally thicker)
  • compact hotend (need to machine a heatsink but make the repappro hotend 10mm thinner)
  • power supply 240W -> 120W and even 60W without heated bed
  • shorter nema14 (Ldo-motors instead of zapp-automation)
  • glued or zip-tied endstop (less bolts, easier to add)
  • feet have an area to stick a felt pad (less resonance on a table)
  • replacing acrylic plates by wood (more resistant to shattering)
  • two springs extruder-idler
  • integrating the leveling in the bed, was done with the insulation plate before (less parts, more robust)

Other possible things that have been tried or will be :

  • aluminium smooth-rods (ok)
  • Z-drive with nylon nut (ok)
  • Led stripe (ok) 
  • cold bed + blue tape (ok, lower power consumption, less parts to assemble)
  • spool holder (several things exist)
  • passive cooling (ok but not that great)
  • Melzi board (ok)

Things to do :

  • active cooling
  • more affordance (by indicating the size of bolt needed on each parts)


I wanted to list all these details because it is something that is not always shown 🙂
And you can support the FoldaRap on Goteo now very soon !

2 réflexions au sujet de « FoldaRap 1.1 changelog »

  1. Tiens mais c'est mon anniversaire le 6 🙂

    Merci pour le cadeau !

    Tu passes donc de Ulule à Goteo comme plateforme de crowdfunding.

    Petite question : sur Goteo, laquelle sera disponible ? La 1.1 ou la 2.0 ?

    Merci d'avance

  2. Héhé ça tombe bien !

    En effet je passe à Goteo pour en tester une autre et car elle est dédiée aux projets qui bénéficient au bien commun (mais les deux ont leur avantages/inconvénients).
    Pour le moment ça sera uniquement pour la 1.1, mais si on avance suffisamment sur la Mondrian c'est pas exclu qu'on en ajoute quelques unes en récompense 🙂

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