Designer and FabLab Manager in Caen, France.
Hello ! Let me describe my life as a vector.
From :
When I was a child I wanted to be an inventor and change/improve the world. Attending Applicated Arts in vocational technical college, then Industrial Design, gave me a superb context to practice and reflect on all the implications (V. Papanek being a perfect reference).
Toward :
Global design and local manufacturing. I love to explore alternatives, minimalism, empowerment, and how making things can change us.
How ?
I found my Ikigai while becoming one of the pioneers of the RepRap and FabLab movement in France (2010). At that time we were a hundred peoples, and many of them became friends along the journey.
What ?
I initiated what became the LF2L, while here I made The FoldaRap (world’s first foldable RepRap), and co-founded the Nancy Bidouille Construction Club (3rd FabLab in France), then OpenEdge to commercialize my OpenHardware projects in Additive Manufacturing (but left in 2017 when it became less open). I gave numerous lectures and a TedX based on these experiences to inspire others. More inclined by the social aspect of a public FabLab than running a factory, and very interested by the Open-Badges movement, I joined the cultural science center Le Dôme at Caen in 2018 and manage its FabLab since then. 🙂
(I also makes puzzles with FaçonPuzzle)